Architects Underground
The Architects Underground is a new thing: it’s something different. It is not just for architects, it is for everyone who has a love of,...
Week 10// 25/11 - 01/12
It's beginning to look a lot like crunch time - we're barely 3 weeks away from the end of semester! This week on the blog we're featuring...
NFTS - Curitiba
The main case study for my scholarship trip and research was Curitiba. This is a city in Brazil that is well known for being a...
Week 9 // 18/11 - 22/11
This week a couple of undergraduate units had their field trips you can see some of the highlights of Unit H on this post. Second Years...
Future Terminologies
This provocative piece is a proposition for vocabulary surrounding the conversations held earlier this semester at the AACTION Climate...
Week 8// 11/11 - 15/11
We are entering the the heavy part of the semester where ideas are starting to formulate, the beginnings of dissertations are being...
The dissection of Failure: Lucid Chart and Lucid Dreams
Feeling lost about how to make MPL happen? Look at this post!
NFTS - Brasilia
Destination #3 of my Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship was Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. Brasilia was one of the most interesting...
Week 6// 28/10 - 01/11
We've reached the halfway point of the semester, which is both incredibly exciting and slightly scary - time seems to fly by so quickly!...