Week 6// 02/03 - 08/03
It's hard to believe we're already at Week 6! Most undergrads have had their interim crits, and design projects are taking shape in every...
Week 4// 17/02 - 23/02
This week has been a busy one (as usual!) with Unit G hosting their Northern:Lights Exhibition on Monday and OxArch's Post-Valentine's...
Week 1// 27/01 - 02/02
Welcome back to Brookes! We hope you have all had an enjoyable holiday season, and have given yourselves some time off - now it's time to...
Week 6// 28/10 - 01/11
We've reached the halfway point of the semester, which is both incredibly exciting and slightly scary - time seems to fly by so quickly!...
Week 2// 30/09 - 6/10
Week 2 in the studio has been another busy one as everything is properly taking off! See what Zone 5 have been up to recently with our...
Week 0// 16/09 - 22/09
Welcome back to another year at Oxford School of Architecture! And a warm welcome to all new students just starting out! We're so excited...
Week 10// 01/04-07/04
At OSA we're moving towards working on the Annual X2. For everyone who's submitted an extract - don't forget that you have just less than...
Week 09// 25/03-31/03
While the studios are incredibly busy this week, it's important not to forget the other things in your life. This is your reminder, for...
Week 03// 11/02-17/02
It's really starting to get busy in studio this week, with new or developing projects taking off. OxArch's lecture series is well under...
Week 09// 19/11-25/11
This week the studio has been very quiet without the undergraduate students, who are all away on field trips! Stay tuned for updates on...