XIII:REMOTE - Call for Submissions
OSA Magazine Issue XIII: REMOTE
It has been more than seven months since the World Health Organisation announced the Covid-19 pandemic. Here in the UK we have just exited national lockdown 2.0, following many other nations around the world. The year 2020 has been unlike any other in recent history, driving our lives online. We have been removed from the studio, for the safety of us and others. The awareness of how we occupy space (physical and metaphorical) in relation to each other has been driven to the forefront of our consciousness. As a community we are scattered, yet connected to each other through our screens. Remote has become default. With vaccines approved and an end potentially in sight, how will we live, work and play in the ongoing Covid reality? What can we as architects learn from this, and how can we adapt?
We are calling for submissions of articles, essays, drawings, projects, photo essays and more exploring the theme of REMOTE and our new reality. Send your submissions to us via email to osazine@gmail.com.
NEW deadline for submissions: 7th January 2021